The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) Pemberton and District Initiative Fund (PDIF) is a fund established by the SLRD and the Village of Pemberton which is dedicated to the financial support of registered non-profit organizations whose activities will provide benefit to the residents of the Village of Pemberton and SLRD Electoral Area C. Support from the Regional District and Village is provided in the form of financial assistance only (i.e. cash contributions).
Financial support from local government is not provided to commercial (for-profit) businesses, retroactive funding for project expenses incurred prior to funding approval, debt retirement, reserves or mortgage pay downs, large scale capital and public infrastructure projects (with approved exceptions), ongoing fundamental operations of league or club-based sports programs, prize money, or to organizations already receiving annual recurring funding through other local government financial services.
Financial assistance provided through PDIF may be used for wages, honorariums, contract services, promotions and marketing purposes, special events, projects and/or activities, and strategic or business plan development. Funding may also be used for the purpose of acquiring furnishings, equipment and supplies. Further information on eligible and ineligible program expenses is provided in the PDIF policy (SLRD Board Policy No. 2.16 – Pemberton and District Initiative Fund Policy).
Please complete this application form and submit along with any additional information that may be of assistance to the SLRD no later than 4:00 pm on October 15 (Seed Funding and Long-Term Agreement Funding), or 45 days prior to your event (One-Time Funding, Fee Waiver Requests). Applications must not be handwritten and should not exceed 10 pages. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
After reviewing applications for completeness, staff will contact applicants with the next step in the process which may include a presentation to the Pemberton Valley Utilities & Services Committee.
Please note: Applications selected to go to the PVUS Committee are not guaranteed funding approval. Applicants will be kept informed of the status of their application. If approved by PVUS and/or the SLRD Board to receive funding, recipients are required to sign an agreement, provide evidence of appropriate insurance and fulfill the reporting requirements as outlined in the policy prior to disbursement of funds.
Application packages may be submitted by e-mail, mail or fax. Alternatively, applications can be submitted online through this digital application form.
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