Request for Proposals – SLRD Regional Growth Strategy Indicator Monitoring (2020-2024)

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Request for Proposals – SLRD Regional Growth Strategy Indicator Monitoring (2020-2024)

The SLRD is requesting Proposals from qualified proponents to lead the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Indicator Monitoring project, including indicator review, data collection, analysis and reporting covering the years 2020-2024.

Expected outcomes include an RGS Indicator Monitoring Report providing an analysis, detailed summary of results by indicator and summary of overall results – for the years 2020-2024. The report should also include a comparison of previous RGS Indicator Monitoring results and analysis of resulting trends. Expected outcomes may also include a “snapshot” summary report with infographics to improve communication of results. Additional outcomes could consider incorporating a review of existing and new indicators (added to Goal 2, Goal 3 and Goal 11 as part of recently completed 2024 RGS Review) in an effort to streamline, better reflect data availability or address gaps/opportunities within the indicator monitoring program.

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