Below is a summary of decisions made at the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board and Committee meetings in March 2019. (Download a PDF of this update).
Note from Chair Rainbow: I have had several enquiries over the past few months about plans for transit in the Sea to Sky corridor. Transit is of concern to everyone in the corridor: the SLRD, the municipalities, and the Líl’wat and Squamish Nations. We have been working collectively for a long while now to develop better transit to the whole of the Sea to Sky Corridor. Our goal is to have a system that will serve residents from Mt. Currie through to Lions Bay and on to Vancouver. This is a challenging task in terms of designing a financial plan that is sustainable and a governance model that effectively represents all stakeholders. We are hoping to be able to make a major announcement later in the year.
2019 Budgets
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District 2019 - 2023 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1632-2019 was adopted, see
Various bylaws, to align with the 2019 Financial Plan, were adopted:
- Service Establishment Amendment Bylaws to Adjust the Maximum Tax Requisition Amounts
- Parcel Tax Bylaws 1623-2019 Through 1631-2019
Pitch-In Week April 22-29, 2019
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board issued a Proclamation to name April 22 - 29, 2018 as Pitch-In Week across the Regional District, and will join SLRD staff in promoting Pitch-In Week and participate in a 20-minute garbage pickup blitz during the lunch break of the Board meeting held on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
Northern St’át’imc Relationship Building Update: 2018 Year in Review - 2019 Proposed Next Steps
SLRD staff will work towards the following preliminary proposed work plan for 2019, as time and resources allow, with respect to the Intergovernmental Relations Working Group, including:
- Update and Presentation to the Lillooet Tribal Council;
- Finalize the Communications and Engagement Plan;
- St’át’imc Title and Rights – Develop additional communications tools, including updated PowerPoint presentation, Board / Council / staff presentation and Q & A, historical timeline;
- Development of a Heritage Protocol;
- Continued Information sharing;
- Show leadership regarding inclusion / anti-racism; and - Undertake Staff Training / Development of Resource Library.
Pemberton and Area C Waste Management – Pemberton Waste Transfer Station Survey
The SLRD will undertake a survey to collect information from Pemberton and Electoral Area C residents to better determine the requirements of the new Pemberton Waste Transfer Station.
Pemberton & District TV & Rebroadcasting
A third-party feasibility study will be undertaken in 2019 to review the Pemberton TV & Radio Rebroadcasting service, with $5,000 being reallocated from 2019 contingency funds for the cost of the feasibility study.
The following was granted from the Pemberton and District Community Fund:
- $10,000 to the Signal Hill Elementary School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) to cover the majority of the paving surface costs for a paved hockey court at Signal Hill Elementary School for ball hockey, games and other sports.
The following were granted from Area C Select Funds:
- $3,000 ($1,500 for each team) to the Pemberton Secondary School Senior Girls and Boys Basketball Teams, towards the teams’ costs of attending the 4-day BC High School Basketball Championships (Provincials) in the lower mainland.
- $500 to the Anderson Lake Historical Society towards supplies for clean-up and maintenance at the Anderson Lake Park during the Anderson Lake Park clean up days.
- $350 to the Anderson Lake Historical Society towards the cost of supplies for the community's annual "Easter Egg Hunt/community get together" event, in conjunction with a "Work Day" at the Anderson Lake Park planned for Sunday, April 21, 2019.
Patricia Westerholm
Communications Coordinator
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Phone: 604.894.6371 x239