Pemberton Meadows Sports Fields - planned spring maintenance

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Applicable communities
Electoral Area C
Village of Pemberton

March 30, 2016

Pemberton and Area C residents, please be advised that the Pemberton Meadows Sports Fields will be undergoing spring maintenance on March 31 and April 1. 

Landscapers will top dress the fields with 140 yards of site-specific material and then over-seed the fields to promote healthy growth and water retention.

The focus for 2016 is to rejuvenate and strengthen the fields for recreational sport activities. By increasing the density and improving turf stress tolerances (e.g. extreme heat, drought, heavy traffic), the outcome will be a safer, more enjoyable playing surface for all user groups. 

Following the maintenance, we ask that people please stay off the fields until April 16th.

Thank you for your understanding.


Adam Malpus
Facility Maintenance Coordinator

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Status updates
April 6 - Last week's topdressing and re-seeding efforts were a success. Check out the before and after photos below. The top photo was taken on April 1 and the bottom photo was taken on April 6. Please stay off the fields until April 16 to give the grass time to grow strong roots.