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Electoral Area C
Gates Lake Park is located at 9184 Portage Road, in Birken, B.C. In 2012, the SLRD purchased a 3-acre property adjacent to Gates Lake with a vision to develop it for community use and enjoyment. In 2013, the SLRD initiated a community engagement process to inform development of the park.
The SLRD has issued three (3) Requests for Proposals for amenities at Gates Lake Park.
- Construction of parking lot, maintenance area and accessible trail.
- Design build wash house and septic system (Option A) OR Site preparation, foundation to accept placement of pre-fabricated unit and supply/installation of septic system (Option B); and
- Design build picnic shelter.
The objective of these Request for Proposals is to provide the SLRD with qualified Proponents capable of carrying out the Work.
Please refer to the Contracting Opportunities page on the SLRD Website.
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October 16, 2014 - Construction of Parking Lot, Maintenance Area and Accessible Trail - Gates Lake Park RFP Closing Date Extended