Good Food Program

The Good Food Program is a project of the Squamish Food Policy Council (SFPC) and identified as a priority action item from the Squamish Valley Agricultural Plan which supports Action 2.4 - to support local procurement initiatives. The Good Food Program aims to shift the buying power in the Squamish to Lillooet Region towards procuring more locally grown food by implementing Good Food Values:

The Good Food Program is a multi-year, multi-phase project that takes both top-down (policy), and bottom-up (access, programs) approaches. In Phase 1 all five municipal and regional governments pledged to adopt Good Food Values into their purchasing decisions with the intent to develop policy.

Read the Good Food Pledge  

Phase 2 identified best practices and conducted interviews across the region to identify the key barriers to purchasing and selling locally-grown food. In Phase 3 SFPC hosted the first Good Food Gathering series as a means to network and further identify barriers to purchasing and selling locally grown food, and to conduct a SWOT analysis with diverse food players from across the region in order to identify the next steps.

Good Food Gatherings

Good Food Gathering Summary Report

Farmers and Restaurants Good Food Gathering - November 8, 2022

Institutions and Policy Makers Good Food Gathering - November 23, 2022

What's Next?

In Phase 4, the SFPC will conduct a Farm and Food Hub Feasibility Study for community needs in partnership with the District of Squamish. In Phase 5, the SFPC will apply the learnings gleaned from these Gatherings and the Study to offer more events, programs, and opportunities to purchase locally grown food across the region.