Valley Loop Trail

The Pemberton Valley Loop Trail is a popular non-motorized trail that showcases the beauty of the Pemberton Valley. Bounded by the Lillooet River, Arn Canal, and One Mile Creek, the flat 7.5 km circle route is easy to walk, cycle or run. The trail is easily accessed from anywhere within the Village, and meanders through riverside woods and active farmland. The trail is made possible by the network of flood protection dykes maintained by the Pemberton Valley Dyking District.

The Valley Loop Trail is the route for Pemberton’s annual Spud Run, held on Canada Day.

As the Valley Loop Trail travels very close to both farmland and sensitive ecosystems, please use extra care when riding or walking the trail.

  • Keep to the trail.
  • Do not trespass onto farmland, open gates, approach or feed livestock.
  • Keep dogs under close control at all times. Don’t let them approach or harass livestock.
  • Pick up after your dog. Leave no litter.
  • Be prepared for limited facilities along the trail.

Please notify the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District at 604-894-6371 if you see any disturbance.