UPDATE: February 22, 2023
The Quantitative Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment - Reid Road Area, Electoral Area C is now available.
For more information, please contact:
Mark Phillips
Director of Protective Services
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Telephone: (604) 698-6442
Email: mphillips@slrd.bc.ca
UPDATE: December 2, 2022
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD), based on information from the detailed risk assessment analysis conducted by BGC Engineering Inc., has updated its Evacuation Order and Alert for properties on Reid Road.
Effective immediately, the Evacuation Order for the following properties, has been rescinded:
- 1782 Reid Road
- 1788 Reid Road
- 1791 Reid Road
- 1793 Reid Road
- 1794 Reid Road
- 1802 Reid Road
- 1815 Reid Road
Effective immediately, the Evacuation Alert for the following properties has been rescinded:
- 1771 Reid Road
- 1773 Reid Road
- 1812 Reid Road
- 1818 Reid Road
One property: 1781 Reid Road remains on Evacuation Order, due to the imminent risk from debris flows during periods of high rainfall, and the significant probability of death (PDI) of an individual in a building, should such an event occur.
For More Information:
- BGC Engineering Inc. initial assessment regarding the Jason Creek Debris-flow Risk Assessment, Reid Road Area, Electoral Area C
Residents with questions can contact:
Mark Phillips
Director of Protective Services
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Telephone: (604) 698-6442
Email: mphillips@slrd.bc.ca
UPDATE: April 1, 2022
A Town Hall meeting was held at the Pemberton Community Centre on March 26, 2022 wtih panelists available to answer questions from residents.
BGC Enginnering provided a landslide risk presentation, which is available to view here.
UPDATE: February 24, 2022
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) will maintain the Evacuation Order for eight properties at Jason Creek on Reid Road until a detailed risk assessment can be completed, upon receiving the results of a peer review of the geotechnical survey and initial risk assessment by Cordilleran Geoscience. The new report, by BGC Engineering Inc. supports the findings of Cordilleran Geoscience (December 13, 2021) and also offers a number of initial risk mitigation options with initial cost estimates.
Consistent with the initial report, it also calls for a more detailed study to determine if it is safe for the residents of properties in the mid-lower fan area of the evacuation order to return home. Both reports are currently based on limited, initial assessment information and historical data and so are consequently limited in how definitive they can be at this stage about tolerable or intolerable life safety risk based on generally accepted risk tolerance standards.
The SLRD does not take the decision to maintain the Evacuation Order lightly and the serious impact on the affected residents is recognised. The potential for loss of life cannot be ignored and until the SLRD has clear professional advice that this risk is reduced to tolerable levels, we cannot at this time lift the evacuation order.
The next intended steps are to get the funding for the detailed risk assessment, to push EMBC for a commitment to 12 months of accommodation support at a realistic rental rate for the area, and to set a date in March to have a community meeting to provide an opportunity to ask questions directly of the SLRD, the geotechnical report authors, and ideally also relevant ministry representatives from Emergency Management BC and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
Hazard Overview:
The Jason Creek watershed is prone to landslide activity, debris flow and erosion, and in particular the upper fan of Jason Creek is now vulnerable to a further, and highly destructive landslide event that could result in severe property damage and the potential for injury and loss of life. Instability at higher elevations has been assessed as increasing in size, creating an imminent hazard of a landslide, affecting the identified properties on Reid Road. These homes are now evacuated.
Residents with questions can contact the SLRD office:
- Telephone: 604-894-6371 Email: info@slrd.bc.ca
The report is available on the SLRD website.
Jason Creek Geotechnical Report Highlights Imminent Debris-flow Risk for Eight Properties on Reid Road, Electoral Area C
On December 13, 2021, the SLRD received the Cordilleran Geoscience Report, which is a geotechnical survey and initial risk assessment for properties along Reid Road in Electoral Area C that are under debris-flow threat from Jason Creek, and have experienced two, potentially three, debris-flow/ debris-flood events since the onset of the first atmospheric river event in mid-November.
After a month of being on either Evacuation Alert or Order, the residents of eight properties on Reid Road in Electoral Area C have been notified that the life safety risk due to the geohazard is too high for them to return to their homes and that the Evacuation Order issued on December 14, 2021 will remain in effect.
The properties included in this Order:
- 1781 Reid Road
- 1782 Reid Road
- 1788 Reid Road
- 1791 Reid Road
- 1793 Reid Road
- 1794 Reid Road
- 1802 Reid Road
- 1815 Reid Road
Although a peer review of this report is not due until the end of January, 2022, as part of its commitment to transparency to property owners, and to emphasizing ongoing life safety risk in the Evacuation Order area, the SLRD is releasing this report to the public.
March 26, 2022 Town Hall Presentation: BGC Engineering
Jason Creek Geotechnical Report
News Release
May 5, 2022 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
For More Information, Contact:
Sarah Morgan
Director, Protective Services
Tel: 604-698-6442
Email: smorgan@slrd.bc.ca