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Applicable communities
Electoral Area C
Village of Pemberton
The Pemberton & District Community Centre has entered the digital age!
Last week, registration for Winter Leisure and recreation programs went online, thanks to a new service. Now, busy families and recreation-lovers can register for programs anywhere, anytime, simply by going to and clicking on the REGISTER HERE! button.
The streamlined service has put an end to long early morning line-ups on registration day. The first day of winter registration saw most registrants taking advantage of the new online system, with just two people coming to register in person.
The new system will also enable online facility booking, member registration, point
of sale, reporting, and payment processing and will provide and track performance metrics to
improve business decision-making.
improve business decision-making.
“Staff has been working on bringing online registration to our patrons for a while now, so we’re
excited to launch this convenient new service,” says James Linklater, Chair of the Pemberton
Valley Utilities and Services Committee.“It’s pretty user-friendly, but the staff at the Community Centre are always available to guide people through the process if they have any questions while they learn the
Click VIEW PDF below to read the full text of the release.
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Media contact
Jeannette Nadon,
Communications & Grants Coordinator
Telephone: (604) 894-6371 ext. 239
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